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Das Tourette-Syndrom - Hirnareale und neurologische Veränderungen

Das Tourette-Syndrom

"Compared with healthy controls, GTS patients showed bilateral FA (fractional anisotropy) increases in white matter underlying the post- and precentral gyrus, below the left supplementary motor area, and in the right ventro-postero-lateral part of the thalamus." Q

"Multiple lines of neurophysiological evidence implicate dysfunction in the corticostriatal-thalamocortical circuits in the etiology of TS. We recently identified rare sequence variants in the Slit and Trk-like family member 1 (SLITRK1) gene associated with TS." Q
Betroffene Region Neurologische Veränderungen
Hippocampus "The overall volumes of the hippocampus (...) were significantly larger in the TS group. Surface analyses suggested that the increased volumes in the TS group derived primarily from the head and medial surface of the hippocampus (over the length of the dentate gyrus) (...)" Q
Amygdala "The overall volumes of the (...) amygdala were significantly larger in the TS group. Surface analyses suggested that the increased volumes in the TS group derived primarily from the (...) dorsal and ventral surfaces of the amygdala (over its basolateral and central nuclei)." Q
Basalganglien "(...) the basal ganglia are thought to produce the symptoms of tics, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder that commonly affect persons with TS." Q

"Structural and functional abnormalities in the cortical-striatal-thalamo-cortical circuits may result in the disruption of oscillatory activity within the basal ganglia of individuals with TS and lead to transient hyperpolarization of selected thalamocortical regions. Extended to TS plus ADHD this or similar mechanisms, in turn, would lead to the dysrhythmia of particular vulnerable cortical regions and give rise to various deficits in motor control (TS + ADHD) as well as impulsivity and attention (ADHD)." Q
Globus Pallidus "For the most severe forms of Gilles de la Tourette disease, preliminary results of treatment by deep brain stimulation of the associative and limb areas of the thalamus or pallidum have produced real hope of treatment, but nonetheless require confirmation." Q
Thalamus, Subthalamischer Kern "Compared with healthy controls, GTS patients showed bilateral FA (fractional anisotropy value) increases in white matter underlying the post- and precentral gyrus, below the left supplementary motor area, and in the right ventro-postero-lateral part of the thalamus. The peak increase in FA was located below the left postcentral gyrus." Q

(...) children with TS and typically developing children performed a cognitive control task during event-related fMRI data acquisition. (...) Heightened tic severity was also associated with greater engagement of the subthalamic nucleus area, suggestive of a compensatory mechanism. Q
Substantia nigra "(...) children with TS and typically developing children performed a cognitive control task during event-related fMRI data acquisition. Neurally, higher tic severity was associated with enhanced activation of dopaminergic nuclei (substantia nigra/ventral tegmental area) and cortical, striatal and thalamic regions in the direct pathway." Q

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